Our Approach

Our Approach

We follow the principles of Reggio Emilia approach which was originated in Italy. This approach instills a love of learning, enhances early education and prepares children for the transition into school.

1. Children’s learning is based on their interests

This approach views children as an active and capable participants who should have some control over the learning process. They acquire knowledge through their natural curiosity and creativity. What they are and become interested in, becomes an important element in their own learning process.

2. Teachers and parents are co-learners and co-eds

Instead of leading the learning process, teachers and parents act as collaborators. It is an all-inclusive, village style approach that engages children, parents and the community as all being essential components of the learning process. Teachers and parents not only impart knowledge but also learn from the children.

3. Teachers focus on the many ways kids learn

Teachers collaborate with students, rather than just instructing them. There is no set curriculum, no text books. Activities such as painting, drawing, music and drama are encouraged as they are all seen as “languages” children use. Teachers plan lessons on child’s interest and prepare their own teaching aids to engage students.

4. The classroom environment is a “third teacher”

The environment is an essential part of the Reggio Emilia approach. The belief is that if children are placed in a beautiful environment, with stimulating materials to work with, they will be motivated to explore and learn. The child’s surroundings are an excellent medium through which a child’s learning experience can be enriched.

5. Children’s learning process is well communicated and documented

Reggio Emilia approach facilitates constant communication between teachers and families. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to help in the classroom and incorporate Reggio Emilia principles at home as well. Teachers and parents listen, observe, document and encourage children in whatever it is they are interested in.